Real Impact Missions

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Real Impact Missions (RIM) takes people and groups to the uttermost parts of the earth to tell others about Jesus. We are a full-service multi-denominational short term missions sending agency that values strategic partnerships, exemplary leadership, intentional evangelism and ministry that matters. We schedule standardized mission trips for both individuals and groups each summer and customized mission trips for groups of 20 or more year-round. We offer urban immersion trips in major US cities and international trips to dozens of global locations. Join us and discover God’s heart for the world!

Mission/Vision Statement

Our heart and passion is to proclaim the life-saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to the hurting and broken around the world so we serve as a multi-denominational organization that mobilizes individuals and groups for short-term mission trips to international locations.

Founded by Scott and Cara Boss in 1997, Real Impact Missions (RIM) specializes in strategic evangelism and ministry that matters. Our trips incorporate Gospel presentations, community development, construction projects, educational initiatives, medical clinics and disaster response teams as ways to tangibly meet the needs presented by our ministry partners. In so doing, we have become both a staging ground to launch global missions and a refinery for God to strengthen His people.

What sets us apart from similar short term missions organizations is our values:

RIM’s long-standing relationships with national pastors who are actively engaged in their communities sets the foundation for our outreach efforts. We don’t ask them to create ministry for us, we join in to further what they are already doing!

Every person who serves with RIM shares their faith daily. We provide training, coaching and opportunities for you to personally connect with nationals and tell them about Jesus. Then we connect them with local churches for discipleship.

RIM travels with you from the airport to your ministry destination and back, and our staff actively engage your group all along the way. Project Directors and Team Leaders model ministry for your team, offering training and coaching and expecting God to use them mightily. Each of our staff have history and accountability with RIM, they are trained and vetted and will serve your team with excellence.

Every time you serve with RIM, your ministry will meet tangible needs and will change people’s eternities. We do our homework to ensure the best strategies for evangelism and the most relevant ministry tools are used in each location. We study culture and we ask questions of our local contacts. We don’t presume to know what is needed, and we don’t invent “filler” ministry. We actually build relationships and do research to make sure that our teams are effective ministers of the Gospel on every single trip.

Doctrinal Statement

As a multi-denominational organization, passionate about the proclamation of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus to the whole world, we believe in

The Bible as the only infallible, inspired, authoritative Word of God

One God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit

The deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, and His personal return in power and glory

The Holy Spirit who leads and equips us to fulfill the will of the Father in our lives as recorded in Acts 1:8

The resurrection of the saved and the lost The saved to the resurrection of life, the lost to eternal death

The biblical and historical churchs definition of marriage between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:18-24)

The spiritual unity of believers in Christ

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