RP Global Missions Short Term

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RP Global Missions (RPGM) Short Term seeks to provide opportunities for God’s people to serve Christ through short-term efforts partnering with established congregations and mission stations. Our primary tasks are to Serve Christ and His Church, Proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, and Disciple the Nations.

You will enjoy working alongside pastors, elders, deacons, missionaries and other church workers that can inspire you with their vision and aid you in discovering the tools that God has been pleased to give you through regular study of His Word and the investment of your parents and local church.

If you have an overwhelming desire to serve Christ, to reach the “lost” with the good news of Jesus Christ, and if you are eager to get to know brothers and sisters in Christ from across His kingdom, we hope you will consider applying for an RPGM Short Term trip!

RPGM Short Term falls under the umbrella of the Reformed Presbyterian Global Missions Board, which sends out missionaries equipped with a love for Jesus, the Word of God, and his church, with an emphasis on church planting. We also partner with like-minded indigenous workers with whom God has brought us into relationship.

Mission/Vision Statement

To help God’s people develop a servants heart and to seek actively to serve God in their congregations, communities, schools, homes, and workplaces.

To introduce people to Christian missions and service, opening up opportunities for them to use the gifts and talents God has given them to serve in the church, and to encourage them to consider serving in the mission field in the future.

To expose men and women to the vast number of opportunities to share the gospel in everyday settings, to dispel fears of presenting the gospel, and to challenge them to provide their family, friends, and community with a consistent Christian witness.

To develop leadership skills in God’s people, and to encourage them to use these skills in Christs Kingdom.

To build new relationships, to encourage one another spiritually, and to keep each other accountable to Gods Word.

Doctrinal Statement

Today, too often when someone mentions “doctrine” it evokes a rolling of the eyes or a “flee/flight” response. Such a response demonstrates a lack of appreciation for something that at its core is designed to propel the Christian outward to face off against the efforts of our enemy, Satan, and which when understood will grant us confidence to communicate the great truths of God’s Word. Doctrine is not a replacement for the Word, but an attempt to bring the whole counsel of God into a form that makes it easy to know and to relay to those Christ puts across our paths.

So as our teams go out, we do so in service to the leadership of the host congregation. We seek to work in concert with them to present a coherent and winsome presentation of the life giving gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek to express the exclusive claims of Christ so that all we come in contact with will know that apart from Christ there is no possible way unto salvation. We also seek to help people to know that the benefits that are ours in Christ are due to His accomplished works and not our own so that we all might praise His most deserving name.

We are a short-term missions organization, operating under the authority and oversight of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA – see also www.rpcna.org). RP Global Missions Short Term seeks to carry out missions from a consistently Reformed and Biblical perspective giving us the capability of ministering with uniformity of doctrine which aids in the proclamation of the gospel and its being understood by those who hear it.

Rather than traveling to areas that won’t have the capability to do follow-up work, we partner with established congregations and/or missionaries on-site. Our motto is “Serve. Proclaim. Disciple.” and everything we do on these missions trips is based on our desire to serve Christ and His Church and to proclaim the gospel and to see nations discipled for Christ. We seek to aid and implement the programs of the host congregations, rather than take our own agendas or programs to mission sites.

Each project is unique, based on the particular needs and current events of the host congregation, but typical activities might include: assisting with vacation Bible schools, door-to-door evangelism, street evangelism and literature distribution, leading investigative Bible studies, helping congregations implement their outreach programs, providing able hands for manual labor, studying the history of Christianity in each respective country, leading conversational English classes, learning about the language and culture of each country, working in inner city and homeless centers, and more.

RP Global Missions Short Term is committed to the inerrancy of Scripture and to the Reformed Faith as summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Shorter and Larger Catechisms.

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