World Outreach International

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World Outreach exists to impact Least Reached People groups with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Our mission and goals are accomplished through establishing partnerships with the Body of Christ worldwide in order to engage in transformational discipleship among least-reached people groups. A variety of ministry approaches are used to meet specific needs. We are currently ministering among 75 such people groups on five continents and have the goal of impacting at least 20 new ethnic communities every five years. World Outreach International has five major ministry focuses through which the Gospel is being established among Least REACHed People groups:
Raising Leaders,
Evangelism and Church Planting,
All Nations Mobilization,
Childrens Ministry,
Humanitarian Aid.

Mission/Vision Statement

WOIs primary distinctive is its focus on unreached people groups. This distinctive governs everything WOI does. The vast majority of its activities, initiatives, ministries, services and structures support and work towards the end goal of evangelising and discipling UPGs.

UPGs are predominantly found within the main cultural and religious blocs of the majority world, but are increasingly found in urban and migrant communities all over the world. WOI accepts missionaries for both of these contexts in which UPGs are located, including those located in the field workers home country.

The vision, strategies and ministry initiatives to reach a particular UPG come primarily from the field workers, who understand the culture, language, context and needs of the UPG.

WOI values cultural and generational diversity at all levels of leadership and ministry. Therefore, leadership appointments are intentionally made to reflect this value.

WOI has a complete dependence upon the enabling, power and gifts of the Holy Spirit to accomplish its mission to the UPGs.

WOI embraces the role of women in ministry and leadership. Scripture views women and men as equal in value and portrays women fulfilling various ministry and spiritual roles. On the Day of Pentecost, Peter announced the fulfilment of Joels prophecy that a new age had arrived where both men and women alike would be empowered by the Holy Spirit for ministry (Acts 2:17-18)

Doctrinal Statement



This statement is based on the Iguassu Brazil Missiological Consultation Declaration (October 1999) – coordinated by the World Evangelical Fellowship.

Our faith rests on the absolute authority of the God-breathed Scriptures. All three persons of the Godhead are active in God’s redeeming mission.
Our missiology centres on the overarching biblical themes of:

God’s creation of the world.
The Father’s redeeming love for all humanity as revealed in the incarnation.
The establishment of a new Heaven and a new Earth for eternity.
The Holy Spirit, promised by our Lord, is our comforter, teacher and source of power. It is the Spirit who calls us into holiness and integrity, and leads the Church into all truth. The Spirit is the agent of mission, convicting of sin, righteousness and judgment. We are Christ’s servants, empowered and lead by the Spirit, whose goal is to glorify God.
Prayer and intercession is the most vital of all ministries in global mission to undergird every service and ministry.

We confess the following themes as truths of special importance in this present age:

Jesus Christ is Lord of the Church and Lord of the universe. Ultimately every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. The Lordship of Jesus Christ is to be proclaimed to the whole world, inviting all to be free of the bondage to sin and the dominion of evil to serve the Lord for His glory.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the unique revelation of God and the only Saviour of the world. Salvation is found in Christ alone.
The Good News of the salvation made possible by the work of Jesus Christ must be expressed in all the languages and cultures of the world. We are commanded to be heralds of the Gospel to every person so that they can have the opportunity to confess faith in Christ.
The Gospel is Good News and addresses all human needs. We emphasise the holistic nature of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament demonstrate that God is concerned with the whole person – body, soul and spirit, and their functioning in society.
Opposition to the spread of the Gospel is foremost a spiritual conflict involving human sin and principalities and powers opposed to the living God. Jesus Christ has power over all powers and is able to free all who turn to Him in faith. We affirm that in the cross, God has won the victory, and we overcome by the blood of the Lamb, our confession, holy lifestyle and spiritual warfare.
Jesus Christ is building His Church from people out of every nation, tribe, people and language. We seek to do all that we can to encourage, strengthen and equip the Church of Jesus Christ in all parts of the world.
Suffering, persecution and martyrdom are present realities for many Christians. We acknowledge that our obedience in mission involves suffering and recognise that the Church is experiencing this.
Economic and political systems deeply affect the spread of God’s Kingdom. Human government is allowed by God, but all human institutions act out of humanistic self-will. Appropriate Christian response to political and economic systems requires the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual Authority within World Outreach International

Personnel working with World Outreach International agree to build harmonious relationships with other World Outreach International field workers and World Outreach International personnel. In this context, all field workers agree to accept the spiritual authority and administrative disciplines of the Mission.
Spiritual authority within World Outreach International is exercised with consideration, meekness, and in prayerful consultation with each person and, where appropriate, the leadership of a field worker’s “sending” church.
Spiritual authority includes the sharing of burdens, the affirmation of one another, the giving of advice, the exchange of perspective and ideas and consultation over guidance.
The aim of the exercise of spiritual authority is always to help World Outreach International field workers to maintain a clear vision for the fulfilment of their ministry.
World Outreach International seeks to provide a credible and meaningful point of accountability for all field workers, especially in those places where there is no appointed Field or Team Leader.

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