Bring Hope to Nicaragua
Jan - Nov 2025 | Christ For the City International
Bring Hope to Nicaragua
Trip #13841
Trip #13841
Bring Hope to Nicaragua
Trip #13841
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
In the second poorest country in Latin America, we work to bring the hope of the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ to the people of Nicaragua. Come and be part of what the Lord is doing.
As with all of our trips, your team has the option to partner with a variety of ministries, including:
Bring a team of medical professionals and serve the people of Nicaragua. Assist the poor by hosting medical clinics and sharing the Gospel with impoverished communities.
Bring a team to minister to the women of Nicaragua. Teach Bible courses on family, relationships, self-image, identity, and more. Teach skills and crafts, host a retreat, or bless the women with beauty treatments. Make a lasting difference in the lives of these women.
Lack of training and resources for pastors and church leaders in Nicaragua is a major problem. Most pastors have little or no theological training. Bring your team of pastors, Sunday School teachers, children's ministers or youth leaders to train up and encourage the local leadership. Help our CFCI missionaries build and equip the local churches through seminars, retreats, classes, VBS, day camps, games, and crafts.
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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals
At most of our bases, the local ministries are run by long-term missionaries who are native to the country and know the specific needs of the communities they serve. They intentionally and consistently follow-up with the communities your team ministers to.
Additional Trip Information
Mission Trip Offered By Christ For the City International
Christ For the City International (CFCI) is an international missions organization committed to serving others in the name of Christ. We have been shaped by the Biblical mandate to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Since 1995, CFCI has been an innovative leader in modern mission circles and has become a respected urban ministry and mission agency.
It is our aim to encourage and strengthen local churches around the world. We do this by engaging and mentoring the Body of Christ to develop ministries and programs to bring hope to the city. We help local churches and ministries present people with the opportunity to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and mobilize them into ministry. We have more than 500 mission workers in 15 countries serving through more than 130 different ministries!
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