Portuguese or English or Korean Language Teacher in East Timor (Timor-Leste)
Jan 2025; May - Jun 2025; Sep 2025 | WEC International
Portuguese or English or Korean Language Teacher in East Timor (Timor-Leste)
Trip #1396
Trip #1396
Portuguese or English or Korean Language Teacher in East Timor (Timor-Leste)
Trip #1396
WEC International |
East Timor, Southeastern Asia |
Lasts 3 months to 2 years |
Jan 2025; May - Jun 2025; Sep 2025
Teaching/Education, Teaching English, |
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
Timorese are eager to improve their English and Portuguese to work abroad. However, Timorese also have the opportunity to work in Korea and so many Timorese are eager to learn Korean as well. We need teachers for English, Portuguese or Korean languages to come and join us! There are many opportunities, outside of a part-time teaching schedule, to get involved in children's ministry, outreach and prayer ministry as well. You would also have opportunities to learn the local Timorese language.
Qualities & Gifts Sought:
- A teaching qualification or teaching experience is important.
- Ideally you are a mother-tongue speaker of whichever language you will teach, and have some level of fluency in Portuguese or English too.
- A formal training certificate is required for a long-term visa (not for a shorter trip).
Through English teaching WEC has helped especially many young people to develop their situations. The courses we offer give them the chance to spend their time in an effective way and some have found jobs because of their language knowledge.
Since 2003 WEC has established a children and youth centre (ESPERANCA – HOPE) in the capital Dili. This is to help children and youth to develop their lives and to model a children and youth ministry to the churches, as there is no such ministry yet by the churches. Here we offer courses for young people as well as children’s programs where they develop their skills and get Sunday school teaching.
WEC East Timor is one of the newest fields of WEC-International and as such still very small. Our vision is to work together with churches and other missions to make Jesus known all over Timor.
As Timor was under occupation for about 400 years (Portuguese 350 and Indonesia 24) there are still many difficulties the country is facing after Independence 1999. WEC has been helping people in East Timor since 1960s with material for the ministry of pastors, sponsor ship for pastors, and a clinic in the interior (15 years).
Since independence, a WEC team has come to Timor in 2000 and has been providing seminars for pastors to equip them with basics for their ministry in the kingdom of God.
As the WEC team is very small (4 WECCERs in this ministry) we are very much dependent on people coming short term, to join us in this ministry.
At the moment about 80 – 100 kids join the activities offered regularly and 70 – 80 young people join the language courses.
The minimum time we would like people to stay on the field is one month – the longer the better. We are looking forward to working together to the benefit of the Timorese People and the kingdom of God.
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Additional Trip Information
Mission Trip Offered By WEC International
WEC International is an international (members from 70+ nationalities), interdenominational mission agency. WEC is one of the largest church planting mission agencies in the world. WEC endeavors to bring the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the remaining unevangelized peoples with the utmost urgency. WECers plant churches in many countries around the world with locations in Africa, Asia, North Africa, Central Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and South Pacific. To find out more about WEC International in the USA visit www.wec-usa.org
WEC USA has 3 short term programs: Discovery (individuals or teams that go out up to 3 months; WEC Trek (individuals that go from 3 months – 12 months) and WEC Core (individuals that go for 2 years).
Unfortunately we can only take people living in the United States. If you are looking to apply from another country please check www.wectrek.org for one of our other WEC sending bases in or near your country.
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