Meet the Physical and Spiritual Needs through Nursing
Feb - Nov 2025 | Christ For the City International
Meet the Physical and Spiritual Needs through Nursing
Trip #15683
Trip #15683
Meet the Physical and Spiritual Needs through Nursing
Trip #15683
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
Perched precariously on a sliver of land between two gorges is La Carpio, the largest shanty-town in San Jose, Costa Rica. It is accessible by a single road littered with potholes and barely wide enough for two cars. On either side is a sharp drop off created by machines digging in a rock quarry. Huge trucks endlessly rumble over the beaten road toward a city dump, past the makeshift homes of La Carpio, past the children playing in the street, and past the crushing pain and desperation of 5,000 squatter families who call La Carpio home.
Amidst the darkness of La Carpio, God has placed a beacon of light through the ministries of Christ For the City International (CFCI). God set a vision for La Carpio in the hearts of two CFCI missionaries, Sara Bautista and Susan Grosser, while they were working in a similar community nearby. After much prayer and hard work, they began ministering to the people of La Carpio. Today, they operate a small medical clinic in the area, serving those who may otherwise have no access to affordable healthcare.
You can make a difference in La Carpio and the ministry of CFCI. Bringing your nursing skills to the La Carpio medical clinic helps expand the number of people served by this amazing ministry. As a nurse or nursing student at the clinic, you will have the opportunity to share God’s love with some of the poorest people of San Jose while simultaneously addressing their physical needs. After clinic hours, you will have the opportunity to become involved in some of the other ministries CFCI operates in the area. Children’s programs, sports ministry, women’s ministry, are just a few ways you can choose to be even more involved in spreading God's Word to this needy community.
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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals
Our missionaries operating this ministry are long-term workers in Costa Rica. On all our bases, the ministries are run by national missionary staff that know the specific needs of the community and country.
Additional Trip Information
Mission Trip Offered By Christ For the City International
Christ For the City International (CFCI) is an international missions organization committed to serving others in the name of Christ. We have been shaped by the Biblical mandate to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Since 1995, CFCI has been an innovative leader in modern mission circles and has become a respected urban ministry and mission agency.
It is our aim to encourage and strengthen local churches around the world. We do this by engaging and mentoring the Body of Christ to develop ministries and programs to bring hope to the city. We help local churches and ministries present people with the opportunity to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and mobilize them into ministry. We have more than 500 mission workers in 15 countries serving through more than 130 different ministries!
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