Muslim Outreach Training
May 25 - June 6, 2025 | Christar
Muslim Outreach Training
Trip #20384

Trip #20384
Muslim Outreach Training
Trip #20384

What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
Manarah is a unique program to train mature Christians on how to share the Gospel with Muslims. It is an immersion experience for two-weeks in Islam, its people and cultures. It is held each summer near Detroit, Michigan among one of the largest concentrations of Muslims anywhere in North America. Manarah's curriculum incorporates daily guided outreach opportunities to use what you are learning. It combines relevant topics in class with application by seasoned workers providing opportunities and debriefing. It promotes relational evangelism with long-term contacts from a resident team in ways evangelism is done in the Muslim world. It involves 40 hours of instruction with interaction from students and 20 hours of outreach. We are tailoring the material to fit God-given burdens to reach Muslims from various ethnic groups because we realize one-size doesn’t fit all.
- Training Dates: May 25 – June 6, 2025
- Estimated Cost: $800-1000 per adult (*childcare is available for additional cost)
- 25 spots available
- Join a team of long-term workers who live here full time and want to share their wisdom and experience with you in practical ways!
Use the inquiry form on this trip page to ask questions or find out more information about this unique opportunity.
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Mission Trip Offered By Christar
The vision of Christar is to cultivate Christ-honoring transformation in communities where He is yet to be worshiped. Christar exists to glorify God by establishing churches among the least-reached Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, and other Asians worldwide.
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