Discover and Serve Eden, Jamaica
Mar 2025; Jun - Jul 2025; Oct 2025 | Mission Discovery
Discover and Serve Eden, Jamaica
Trip #21571
Trip #21571
Discover and Serve Eden, Jamaica
Trip #21571
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
Without the selfless dedication of the staff of Jamaican Christian School for the Deaf, hundreds of children with a variety of special needs would not receive the education they need.
For over 15 years, Mission Discovery has partnered with JCSD by building essential facilities, giving one-on-one attention to students and assisting the JCSD staff. Now you have the opportunity to make a lasting impact on these children by updating their classrooms, building additional classrooms, and building a vocational center that will provide life skills to older students preparing to join the Jamaican work force. Expand your awareness of what God is doing by visiting a children’s home and hosting a Vacation Bible School.
The last day of your mission trip is set aside for shopping and relaxing on Montego Bay’s Hip Strip! It’s filled with festive shops and is the location of Doctor’s Cave private beach where you’ll relax and unwind from your week of hard work.
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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals
Mission Discovery groups have been invited to serve in this area by local leaders within the community. Groups traveling with us play a significant part in the work God is doing in this area.
Additional Trip Information
Building Materials (for construction trips), Medical Supplies (for medical trips), and Ground Transportation
trips, a t-shirt and devotional book.
Cost does not include Airfare (We are able to help with your booking), Cost of Background Checks, and CBS Supplies.
Note: Some trips include bedding and others do not, speak to a
Mission Discovery representative for more information.
Mission Trip Offered By Mission Discovery
Mission Discovery trips aim to help developing communities. Teams of volunteers build homes for families in need, love on orphans, feed the hungry, clothe and educate school children, provide medical care and empower churches to bring hope to their communities. The Mission Discovery Staff arranges food, lodging, and logistics so volunteers will be effective from day one. Each night we offer a worship service to provide an atmosphere to come together and reflect on what the volunteers have experienced during the day.
Open your eyes to a world waiting to be discovered. Since 1991, God has used Mission Discovery teams to transcend language and cultural barriers to bring hope and Spiritual awakening to those who need urgent help. Since its beginning, over 50,000 students and adults have served around the world with Mission Discovery. Today, that work continues stronger than ever!
Each year Mission Discovery staff gather partners for support. Because of its passionate donors, Mission Discovery is able to lower trip prices. We want everyone to serve on a mission trip, so our goal is to make them more affordable. Together, through the power of Christ, we can make a huge difference in the world!
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