Medical Missions in The Gambia ( Medicine & Miracles)
June 15 - 24, 2025 | Awe Star Missions
Medical Missions in The Gambia ( Medicine & Miracles)
Trip #22698

Trip #22698
Medical Missions in The Gambia ( Medicine & Miracles)
Trip #22698

Awe Star Missions |
Gambia, Western Africa |
Lasts 1 week to 2 weeks |
June 15 - 24, 2025
Church Planting, Evangelism- Friendship/Discipleship, Evangelism- Open Air/Street, Medical/Healthcare, |
** See Financial Information Below Includes: Lodging, Meals, Travel to and from location |
Approximately $1795 to $3500
Agency: | Awe Star Missions |
Location: | Gambia, Western Africa |
Dates: | June 15 - 24, 2025 Lasts 1 week to 2 weeks |
Activities: | Church Planting, Evangelism- Friendship/Discipleship, Evangelism- Open Air/Street, Medical/Healthcare |
Cost: |
Approximately $1795 to $3500 ** See Financial Information Below Includes: Lodging, Meals, Travel to and from location |

What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
Hot, dusty villages. Children laughing and running everywhere. Women setting up rickety tables as they prepare to sell their wares. Doctors, nurses and students working side by side to serve and to bless. You’ve made your way to The Gambia, Africa.
Africa is called the Dark Continent, not because of the color of the people’s skin but because of the lack of hope in their eyes. Locked into black magic, witch-doctor traditions and economic depression, they share a hopelessness only Jesus can overcome.
The Gambia is a predominantly Muslim country and spiritually intense. You’ll use your gifts and talents as you display the Gospel in love and power in medical clinics and two days of mass campaign miracle meetings to display the gospel as it is preached in power and demonstration to the masses.
For many of those we serve, this will be their first experience with a real doctor. Most of their medical care comes from the village marabou (a witch doctor who adheres to a mixture of Islamic and traditional African beliefs.)
God is calling many to proclaim Him in this Dark Continent. The real question is not who will go. Instead, you must ask yourself, “Why not me?” Why would it not be me whom God calls to push back the darkness in areas that have never experienced light?
Will you proclaim Him in the Gambia?
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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals
Working with existing churches in the area, we will be taking part in fulfilling the Great Commission, by going across the ocean to share the gospel with those who may never have heard of Jesus.
Additional Trip Information
Please go to our website for more info:
Mission Trip Offered By Awe Star Missions
We call students to a rite of passage of stepping out of their adolescence into adulthood by recognizing their role in the Great Commission. Awe Star is a Discipleship/Evangelistic ministry training predominantly students (high school & college) how to walk out the lifestyle of a missionary while doing Jesus Ministry around the world. Awe Star
has recently merged with Breaking Borders Ministry and will now be offering Medical Mission opportunities as well; Medical missions will be offered to college-age students and medical professionals in areas of the world where the gospel is least reached.