English Teacher and Conversation Partner
Jul - Dec 2025 | WorldVenture
English Teacher and Conversation Partner
Trip #22889
Trip #22889
English Teacher and Conversation Partner
Trip #22889
WorldVenture |
Poland, Multiple Regions |
Lasts 3 months to 5 months |
Jul - Dec 2025
Community Development, Teaching English, Internship, |
Agency: | WorldVenture |
Location: | Poland, Multiple Regions |
Dates: | Jul - Dec 2025 Lasts 3 months to 5 months |
Activities: | Community Development, Teaching English, Internship |
Cost: |
** See Financial Information Below
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
The chance to practice speaking English with a "native speaker" is still a draw to people in Poland. Through this avenue you will have many opportunities to build relationships that often lead to open doors for evangelism. Classes are generally small to facilitate conversation, and many people choose to meet one-on-one. Whether you have a teaching certificate or just like to talk, you will be in big demand here.
*Must be a US Citizen or US Permanent Resident.
Interns must be believers who can articulate their faith; independent, self-motivated, flexible, and open to new situations. Helps to be on the extroverted side, but it’s more important that someone is willing to eagerly engage others in conversation and focus on relationship. A TESOL certificate (Teaching English as a Second Official Language) is recommended, but not required.
Internships are 3+ months
Knowledge of the Polish language is not necessary
The intern will be responsible for preparing materials for English lessons or topics for conversation, though the field can help provide ideas and some curriculum.
Typically interns will have around 10 students, who they meet with individually for 1 hour at a time. Through regular time meeting with these students, interns build relationships and plant gospel seeds!
We envision multiple 10-week courses, meeting with students 1-2 times per week according to demand and ability level. These classes would be an extension of the local church, and would serve as an outreach to the community.
Interns will also have the opportunity to participate in the life of the church and serve as there is need (i.e. helping lead the youth group, etc.)
Language Used: English
Living Environment:
Just like America, only different! Interns generally are hosted in the WorldVenture workers' home. Interns will have their own bedroom, and live in community in the house. Interns typically manage their own breakfast and late dinner, but can expect to eat lunch (main meal) as a household.
Working Environment:
Work at the English language center, which is attached to the small local church that partners with the center. The church/center is within walking distance of where interns will be housed. Mornings are generally free, and then interns serve at the English center during the open hours from approx. 3-8 pm (this helps accommodate individuals who come for lessons after-school and after-work). Most students are teens and adults who have an intermediate level of English.
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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals
WorldVenture desires to continue serving and strengthening churches in Poland through education and leadership training. This will be accomplished in part through cell church ministry and planting of churches that are sensitive to Polish culture, and through work at the Evangelical School of Theology and the Evangelical Christian Church Seminary. In addition, WorldVenture’s team hopes to pursue evangelism opportunities that result from teaching English as a second language. WorldVenture has been in Poland since 1983.
Additional Trip Information
Mission Trip Offered By WorldVenture
Billions of people don’t know Jesus. We’re not okay with that.
More than words, they are a reminder on the wall of our main office of why we do what we do. Since 1943, God has used thousands of WorldVenture workers and partners to impact millions with the good news.
We plant churches, build clinics, educate children, train leaders, provide disaster relief, combat injustice, foster the arts, and serve the poor with economic development…in Jesus name and to make disciples.
We recruit, train, and send disciples of Jesus throughout the world who sense Gods call to give their lives to share the gospel with people who have yet to hear it. And we partner with multitudes of Christ-following disciples in engaging the world for gospel impact.
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