Basic Computer Skills Teacher in Chad (French required)
Feb 2025; May - Jun 2025; Sep 2025 | WEC International
Basic Computer Skills Teacher in Chad (French required)
Trip #2408
Trip #2408
Basic Computer Skills Teacher in Chad (French required)
Trip #2408
WEC International |
Chad, Western Africa |
Lasts 3 months to 1 year |
Feb 2025; May - Jun 2025; Sep 2025
Community Development, Technical/Professional Skills, |
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
It is our desire is to offer classes for Chadians who wish to learn how to better use a computer. This would include teaching basic software and email programs. We have a well-equipped IT room and, with your help, we are ready to put it to good use!
Though we keep a low profile at our Learning Center, there are usually opportunities to share the Hope we have with our students, whether in or out of class. Check out our video about our work in Chad.
Computer teachers will need to provide or develop a curriculum or basic plan for teaching. Students will be mostly men, both Muslim and non-Muslim. There will be lots of opportunities to connect with the students because of small classes of 10 students or less!
Qualities & Gifts Sought:
Knowing French and/or Arabic is necessary. Teachers who stay for several months or more will be expected to learn some Chadian Arabic in Chad. Being part of the WEC team, you will be expected to be an integral part of the team with the goal of planting a mature, expanding church among the Eastern peoples of Chad.
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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals
We work together as a team and with others to serve people so that they might know the love of God and form communities of disciples who reach out to those around them. We seek to express the love of Christ in word and deed through a variety of activities.
It is a collaborative approach, committed to working in close cooperation with the national church and with other missions. It is above all a dependent approach, committed to full dependence on God and his exclusive power to change lives and build his Church.
Additional Trip Information
Mission Trip Offered By WEC International
WEC International is an international (members from 70+ nationalities), interdenominational mission agency. WEC is one of the largest church planting mission agencies in the world. WEC endeavors to bring the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the remaining unevangelized peoples with the utmost urgency. WECers plant churches in many countries around the world with locations in Africa, Asia, North Africa, Central Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and South Pacific. To find out more about WEC International in the USA visit
WEC USA has 3 short term programs: Discovery (individuals or teams that go out up to 3 months; WEC Trek (individuals that go from 3 months – 12 months) and WEC Core (individuals that go for 2 years).
Unfortunately we can only take people living in the United States. If you are looking to apply from another country please check for one of our other WEC sending bases in or near your country.
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