ARTEGA, COAHUILA, MEXICO - 1-2 Week Custom Trips Available Year Around - All Ages - Groups of 5+
Jan - Dec 2024 | Merge
ARTEGA, COAHUILA, MEXICO - 1-2 Week Custom Trips Available Year Around - All Ages - Groups of 5+
Trip #25421
Trip #25421
ARTEGA, COAHUILA, MEXICO - 1-2 Week Custom Trips Available Year Around - All Ages - Groups of 5+
Trip #25421
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
The Global Church is inviting you to participate in what God is doing in the mountain region south of Arteaga/Saltillo, Coahuila. Our Partner in this region is la Iglesia de Dios – Mexico, which has its headquarters and seminary located in Saltillo. There are two churches in the area Merge partners with. One is in Jame and the other is in San Antonio de las Alazanas.
Saltillo is a city of 950,000 and is the capital of Coahuila, a large state in Northern Mexico. The villages of Jame and San Antonio de las Alazanas lie about 30 minutes south of Arteaga, nestled in the Sierra Madre Mountain range, surrounded by mountain peaks as high as 12,000 feet. Mainly a farming region, with many orchards, there are also popular tourist sites and even snow in the winter. Jame has a population of about 250 people, while San Antonio is much larger with about 2500 inhabitants.
Many ministry options are available for your team.
- Construction
- Feeding Programs
- Children's ministry
- Youth Outreach
- Camping Programs
- Church and worship ministry
- Outreach events
Besides these options, there are more. The goal would be to find out the skills and interests of your team and match them with the ongoing ministries of church partners in the area.
Trips are Mutually Designed with local partners utilizing your skills for ministry, learning from the Global Church, and building relationships with believers in the region. Any age group is invited, any time of year, for any length of time.
All trips are led, staffed and implemented by Mexican Nationals. Merge is an organization directed by a leadership team made up of non-American Global Church leaders from around the world. Once your team sends in a deposit, the Merge Coach of Northern Mexico, Daniela de la Rosa, will contact your team leaders and work with your team, and the local church leaders, to develop an itinerary, ministry focus, and develop learning activities for your team. Local Mexican nationals will be hired as interpreters, guides, ministry coaches, cooks, and construction supervisors (if needed).
Housing – Home stays or church stays are the main options.
Food – Usually teams are fed two-American/Canadian-style uncooked meals each day, and one cooked Mexican meal made by local cooks, although more Mexican meals are possible. Purified water is also supplied for teams.
Flights – teams would fly to Monterrey, Mexico, and then be transportated by hired vehicles to the villages of Jame and San Antonio de las Alazanas.
Ground Transportation – The villages of Jame and San Antonio are small enough, your team would not need transportation within town. However, if your team is large enough to participate in ministry in both villages, then Merge will hire transportation to take your team between towns.
Learning – Learning activites with local church leaders and Merge staff will be designed into the itinerary.
Cultural Activities – Hiking in local mountain ranges and national parks are an option. The main plaza of Saltillo is colonial with a beautiful cathedral and the capital of the Mexican state of Coahuila. Restaurants and souvenir shops are located on the colonia older streets of downtown Saltillo.
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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals
Merge is an organization directed and led by Global Church leaders, not North Americans. This gives Merge a Global lens in preparing and implementing short-term trips.
All Merge trips are directed, organized, staffed and led by the national church. All Merge custom trips are mutually designed by the national partner in communication with the short-term trip leader. Teams learn FROM the local church leaders and pastors. The local church/ministries are inviting teams from the United States and Canada to participate in what God is already doing in their communities. Teams PARTICIPATE in ongoing ministries within the community of the local church and organization. The goal is to do ministry WITH local partners, not FOR them.
Merge trips to the Saltillo region are created by Mexican nationals in partnership with the local churches in order to create an opportunity for the team and local congregation/community members to do ministry together, learn from each other, build relationships with each other, and further the ministry of the local churches.
Additional Trip Information
Mission Trip Offered By Merge
The GLOBAL CHURCH INVITING North Americans TO PARTICIPATE IN WHAT GOD IS DOING AROUND THE WORLD. Merge is directed by a team of Global Church leaders from five continents. All Merge trips are organized, led, and staffed by the Global Church. This gives Merge a UNIQUE non-North American perspective on short-term trips.
THE GLOBAL CHURCH INVITING – the initiative and leadership are from the Global Church, not the North American church to GO and lead
TO PARTICIPATE IN – the participation is active involvement and learning through what the Global Church is already doing. The focus is on involvement WITH, not doing FOR – active learning involves participation as well as reflection
WHAT GOD IS DOING AROUND THE WORLD – Missio Dei – God is actively involved around the world – North Americans can discover what God is already doing through followers of Christ around the world
OUTCOME – for participants from North America and the Global Church to be strengthened in their relationship with Jesus Christ, increase in passion for inter-cultural relationships, to implement God-inspired behaviors, and initiate new ministries and social change in their church and communities
Primary Values include:
LEARNING – God is doing amazing things through the global church. There is so much to learn about ministry and how God is working around the world. Come and learn!
RELATIONSHIPS – The kingdom of God is built on relationships, which are the key to a successful mission and ministry. Come and connect with followers of Jesus from around the world.
BRING IT HOME WITH YOU – When you return home, we want your vision and passion for your church, your community, and your own life in Christ to expand