Cru Gap Year
Sep 2025 | Cru (High School Ministry)
Cru Gap Year
Trip #26257
Trip #26257
Cru Gap Year
Trip #26257
Cru (High School Ministry) |
Multiple Countries, Multiple Regions |
Lasts 6 months to 1 year |
Sep 2025
Evangelism- Friendship/Discipleship, Internship, Sports, Youth Ministry, Refugees, |
** See Financial Information Below Includes: Lodging, Meals, Travel to and from location |
Approximately $19000 to $21000
Agency: | Cru (High School Ministry) |
Location: | Multiple Countries, Multiple Regions |
Dates: | Sep 2025 Lasts 6 months to 1 year |
Activities: | Evangelism- Friendship/Discipleship, Internship, Sports, Youth Ministry, Refugees |
Cost: |
Approximately $19000 to $21000 ** See Financial Information Below Includes: Lodging, Meals, Travel to and from location |
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
A Gap Year is a 9-month adventure that will transform your life, give you opportunities to trust God in greater ways and share the love of Jesusl with high school students across the globe. You will be going to high school campuses to meet students and develop relationships so that you can share about Jesus and disciple those who are interested. You will meet students through speaking in classes, sharing your testimony, playing sports, sharing your life and many other things. Your team can choose to visit an orphanage, serve at a refugee camp or meet the physical needs of others. The majority of the focus will be on developing relationships, sharing your relationship with God with others and discipling those who respond.
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Now taking applications for the Gap Year Sept 2025-May 2026!
Use the inquiry form on this page to learn more about this opportunity.
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Additional Trip Information
Mission Trip Offered By Cru (High School Ministry)
Cru is an interdenominational Christian organization that promotes evangelism and discipleship in more than 190 countries around the world. The high school ministry of Cru helps students apply their faith to everyday life, build positive relationships with family and friends, and teaches students how to live out the gospel on their campus in order to reach their peers for Christ.
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