Join ACTION missionaries to strengthen local believers and witness to the unreached in Nepal!

Jan - Dec 2024 | Action International Ministries

Trekking in Nepal on a short-term ministry trip.

Trip #26507

Join ACTION missionaries to strengthen local believers and witness to the unreached in Nepal!

Trip #26507

Trekking in Nepal on a short-term ministry trip.

Action International Ministries


Nepal, Southern Asia


Jan - Dec 2024
Lasts 1 week to 2 years


College/Campus Ministry, Church Planting, Community Development, Evangelism- Friendship/Discipleship, Internship,


Approximately $1200 to $1400
** See Financial Information Below
Includes: Lodging, Meals
Agency: Action International Ministries
Location: Nepal, Southern Asia
Dates: Jan - Dec 2024
Lasts 1 week to 2 years
Activities: College/Campus Ministry, Church Planting, Community Development, Evangelism- Friendship/Discipleship, Internship
Cost: Approximately $1200 to $1400
** See Financial Information Below
Includes: Lodging, Meals
Inquire about the trip

Travel to Kathmandu for two weeks or several months and work with Nepali nationals committed to reaching millions for Christ throughout Nepal! Travel to Nepal as part of a team or individual Mission Intern and work with Barnabas who is a Nepali national the Lord saved out of the Hindu high cast called Brahmin! Now as a redeemed Christian leader, Barnabas has a heart and passion to reach millions of his countrymen with the glorious Gospel! Join him and his ministry partners at Mission to Unreached Millions (M2UM) and make an impact for Christ in Nepal!

Map Nepal
Barnabas pointing out Nepal on the world map

What the Mission Trip Will Be Like

Barnabas pointing out Nepal on the world map

ACTION team or Mission Intern Opportunity

Q & A with ACTION missionary Barnabas Khanal:

1. What are some ministry tasks that you want the intern to accomplish while serving with you?

My consistent ministries include teaching and training, small group leadership development and infrastructural development such as church planting and sustainable ministry outreach. Interns or teams could come and lead seminars and I am also willing to place them in public primary schools where they would offer voluntary teaching. I would preferably invite interns or teams who can teach or do short-term training on music and worship, English or other languages, health, nutrition and sanitation. In the present context of Nepal a missionary can come to train, coach, mentor and mobilize the local church!

Youth and Children’s Ministry Opportunities for teams or interns:

• Fellowship – Small or large group gatherings to encourage each other to grow in the Lord

• Discipleship – Bible studies and mentoring in one-on-one relationships

• Witnessing – In the marketplaces alongside my ministry leaders and with the local Christian Nepali youth

• Training – Working with local believers and teaching music and worship, evangelism and discipleship skills

• Teaching – The young children during children’s church on Sundays

I firmly believe that the role of 21st century missionaries is to support the local church's missions. So I would discourage an outsider roaming around the villages and marketplaces alone and sharing Gospel tracts to our people, rather I highly encourage them to concentrate in training, mentoring, equipping the local Native Christians.

2. What are some key lessons from your ministry and walk with the Lord that you want to impart to the interns to help them as they consider their own individual call to missions or vocational ministry?

• How to effectively do small group discipleship especially in a cross-cultural setting as well as house church planting

• The essential need to do missions and outreach into the most unreached peoples

• Community service and ministries of mercy serving the poorest of the poor

• Vocational training on entrepreneurship and livelihood for sustainable ministry work

Specific skills an intern may expect to develop by the time the internship is completed:

• Time management and learning how to multi-task in a ministry setting

• Developing discipling skills in a cross-cultural context both one-on-one and in small groups

• Becoming compassionate in serving the poorest communities and sharing the Gospel with them

For more information or to inquire visit: •

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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals

Barnabas has launched Mission to Unreached Millions (M2UM) to work with the local church and local believers throughout Nepal to share the love of Christ with millions of forgotten, neglected unsaved and un-churched people who need to hear the glorious Gospel.

Aside from Barnabas’s outreach efforts through M2UM, he also serves as a teacher, trainer and integral mission facilitator, and contributes to the National Christian Leadership in Nepal.

ACTION seeks to please Christ, the Builder and Head of the Church, by conducting our ministries closely with local churches for the advancement and building up of the Body of Christ with the view that all believers will grow in maturity becoming more and more like Christ with the hope that some become pastors, evangelists, teachers, and others cross-cultural missionaries (Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 4:4-16)

Additional Trip Information

Southern Asia
Other Location Info:
Kathmandu with possible outreach trips to Terai regions in Nepal.
Participant Age:
Sr. High, College, Adult, Senior Adults
Eligible to Go:
Families, Groups [max size 8], Individuals, Married Couples
Other Financial Notes:
Depending on the duration of the stay. Cost of travel not included.
Training debriefing
If the participant is going for less than six months, they will receive mentoring and coaching by someone on our Mobilization Team and also work through pre-field reading material and assignments. If the applicant is going longer than six months, they will participate in an in-person orientation and a separate in-person cross-cultural training course before deploying to the field. They will also have to be able to communicate in German, so German classes will be required. All participants will have a debrief interview with the person from our Mobilization Department who mentored and coached them before and during their time of service. They will also be asked to fill out a post-trip evaluation form to help them process their experience and next steps and provide our home office and field missionaries helpful feedback for sending future short-term workers.
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Mission Trip Offered By Action International Ministries

Action International Ministries (ACTION) is a global mission agency committed to sending multi-national missionaries who treasure Jesus Christ and minister His Gospel in word and deed, primarily to the poor.

Our three-prong strategy for urban ministry can be defined under three headings: evangelism, discipleship, and development.

The mission currently has 330 missionaries (and many other team members) in 40 countries. ACTION’s prayer target is for 221 additional missionaries to join them in the vital task of world missions, for the glory of God!

Our goal is to know God and take action! (Daniel 11:32)

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