Serve street children as an intern in the Philippines!
Jan - Dec 2024 | Action International Ministries
Serve street children as an intern in the Philippines!
Trip #26510
Trip #26510
Serve street children as an intern in the Philippines!
Trip #26510
Action International Ministries |
Philippines, Southeastern Asia |
Lasts 1 week to 3 years |
Jan - Dec 2024
Bible Studies & Small Groups, Evangelism- Friendship/Discipleship, Evangelism- Open Air/Street, Internship, Youth Ministry, |
** See Financial Information Below Includes: Lodging, Meals |
Approximately $1000 to $1200
Agency: | Action International Ministries |
Location: | Philippines, Southeastern Asia |
Dates: | Jan - Dec 2024 Lasts 1 week to 3 years |
Activities: | Bible Studies & Small Groups, Evangelism- Friendship/Discipleship, Evangelism- Open Air/Street, Internship, Youth Ministry |
Cost: |
Approximately $1000 to $1200 ** See Financial Information Below Includes: Lodging, Meals |
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
Q & A with ACTION missionary Erin Johnson:
1.What are some ministry tasks that you want the intern to accomplish while serving with you?
It depends on their gifting and desires. The main thing is to build relationships and encourage the kids, youth, and staff of our ministry. This mainly involves just living life with them. Teaching English would be very helpful as well as teaching other skills that the intern might have, such as music.
2. What are some key lessons from your ministry and walk with the Lord that you want to impart to the interns to help them as they consider their own individual call to missions or vocational ministry?
God has gifted us all differently. Each missionary may or may not fit into the "typical" role of a missionary. For example, I am an administrative person, so I often felt discouraged in the 'intern' stages of my missionary journey because I wasn't particularly gifted in teaching or preaching like many missionaries are. Then eventually the Lord ended up using me to pioneer a new ministry, and I ended up really using my giftings (and still am). (Of course, it's still good for me to challenge myself in other areas.)
So, it's likely that the first few years of a missionary's journey will be mostly about discovering more about who you are and what God has gifted you to do. You might not be making huge Kingdom impacts (visibly) while being a short-termer or intern. But then, when it's time, God will show you His specific purpose or role for you.
3. What criteria do you use to measure the effectiveness of an intern serving with you?
Flexibility, adaptability, and building relationships with kids/youth in our ministry.
4. What would a typical day look like?
Hard to say because it depends on what's going on in the ministry at that particular time. A typical day might involve hanging out with kids, visiting their families in the slums, teaching a class, cooking meals, writing newsletters to supporters, or going to the local market. (Probably not all of the above in one day!)
Specific skills an intern may expect to develop by the time the internship is completed:
- Basic understanding of Tagalog (or more, the longer the intern is here)
- Able to share devotions and share testimonies
- Learn how to interact with street kids (either on the street or in recovery stages), and interact with the poor, in an encouraging manner
- Able to get around on local transportation
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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals
Erin helped to start Brand New Day Ministry, which began in March of 2009 as an outreach to the street children of a town in Cavite, Philippines. After more than a year of gathering the children for Bible studies and building relationships with them, the BND team decided to help a few of the kids go back to school through a scholarship program. The scholarship program is not only a means for the children to have the opportunity for a better future, but is a great tool for facilitating family reconciliation. In everything we do, Christ is at the center and when at all possible we look for opportunities to work alongside the local church. The name “Brand New Day” is based on God’s promises to give us a new start when we follow Him.
ACTION seeks to please Christ, the Builder and Head of the Church, by conducting our ministries closely with local churches for the advancement and building up of the Body of Christ with the view that all believers will grow in maturity becoming more and more like Christ with the hope that some become pastors, evangelists, teachers, and others cross-cultural missionaries (Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 4:4-16)
Additional Trip Information
Mission Trip Offered By Action International Ministries
Action International Ministries (ACTION) is a global mission agency committed to sending multi-national missionaries who treasure Jesus Christ and minister His Gospel in word and deed, primarily to the poor.
Our three-prong strategy for urban ministry can be defined under three headings: evangelism, discipleship, and development.
The mission currently has 330 missionaries (and many other team members) in 40 countries. ACTION’s prayer target is for 221 additional missionaries to join them in the vital task of world missions, for the glory of God!
Our goal is to know God and take action! (Daniel 11:32)
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