Go and be salt and light in a needy neighborhood in Sao Paulo, Brazil as a missions intern

Feb - Jun 2024; Aug - Nov 2024 | Action International Ministries

Children in a favela in Brazil

Trip #26515

Go and be salt and light in a needy neighborhood in Sao Paulo, Brazil as a missions intern

Trip #26515

Children in a favela in Brazil

Action International Ministries


Brazil, South America


Feb - Jun 2024; Aug - Nov 2024
Lasts 1 month to 3 years


Art, Drama, Music & Puppets, Teaching English, Urban Ministry, Orphans and vulnerable children, VBS/Bible Clubs,


Approximately $1000 to $1200
** See Financial Information Below
Includes: Lodging, Meals
Agency: Action International Ministries
Location: Brazil, South America
Dates: Feb - Jun 2024; Aug - Nov 2024
Lasts 1 month to 3 years
Activities: Art, Drama, Music & Puppets, Teaching English, Urban Ministry, Orphans and vulnerable children, VBS/Bible Clubs
Cost: Approximately $1000 to $1200
** See Financial Information Below
Includes: Lodging, Meals
Inquire about the trip

Live and serve with a missionary team in a poor community of So Paulo, teaching kids during their out-of-school hours and loving them into the kingdom of God.

Map Brazil
ACTION missionary from North Carolina with girls she ministers to in Brazil

What the Mission Trip Will Be Like

ACTION missionary from North Carolina with girls she ministers to in Brazil


São Paulo, Brazil


Casa Semear in English is “the Sower House.”

Casa Semear is a place where the seeds of God’s love and truth are continually being sowed into the lives of the at-risk children who attend the ministry’s programs.

Q & A with ACTION missionaries Robert & Silvana Meikle:

1. What are some ministry tasks you want the intern to accomplish ?

The intern will be working directly with underprivileged kids who live in Sao Paulo’s urban slums. Interns can expect to serve by assisting missionaries as they teach Bible lessons, provide educational support, and lead various activities .

Interns have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of children and teens through spending quality time with them, playing games, doing art and crafts activities, teaching English and/or a musical instrument, aiding in leading and/or participating in sports ministry, and helping with other events.

The intern will be living relatively near a slum area, and should be a good neighbor to the kids and families.

The ministry program runs during the weekdays. Two Saturdays a month there is a worship service or a special event for the families and children living in the community.

2. What are some key lessons you want to impart to the interns to help them as they consider their own call to missions or vocational ministry?

• Studying the Bible and practical application in everyday life and ministry

• Faithfulness in ministry rather than event orientation – speaking the truth in love day by day rather than depending on immediate results

• Harmonious living with cross-cultural missionary personnel: living and serving with missionaries from various countries

• Cultural adaptation and child evangelism and discipleship

3. What criteria is used to measure an intern serving?

• Positive, healthy relationships with the children and with the team

• Long-term involvement with missions as prayer support, giving or return visits

• An attitude of service toward the local leadership

Specific skills an intern may expect to develop by the time the internship is completed:

• Experience in how to develop and strengthen cross-cultural friendships

• Basic Portuguese language skills and the ability to communicate with Brazilians who know limited English

• Brazilian cultural awareness

• Growth in their faith

The ministry is open and attending kids during the weekdays.

Here is a look at a typical day:

  • Breakfast: The kids arrive to eat a Brazilian breakfast which consists of a buttered French bread roll and coffee.
  • Activity Time: After breakfast, the kids are divided into groups based on their ages. Each group goes to a classroom space where age-appropriate activities and Bible teachings are led.
  • Free Time: After the activity time, there is a little time for free play and open conversation. This is a time where the kids can complete follow-up activities, play educational games, read books, color, create art, chat with one another or with a missionary about whatever is on their minds.
  • At the end of the morning session, the kids return home for lunch and attend school in the afternoon.
  • An afternoon at Casa Semear runs almost exactly the same as the morning. A different group of children, who have spent all morning at school, come to participate at Casa Semear in the afternoons. They follow the same kind of schedule, but instead of eating breakfast upon arrival, they enjoy a hearty snack at the end of the ministry session.
  • Our days at Casa Semear also include praying with and for the kids, creatively dealing with challenging behaviors, spontaneous teachable moments, funny stories, interesting conversations with the kids, and lots of laughter, words of affirmation, and hugs! Many of the children attending Casa Semear come from troubled home and life situations. 

For more information including costs please email: [email protected] 

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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals

Felipe and Laura Matias and Robert and Silvana Meikle are full-time residential missionaries in São Paulo, Brazil. They work to prevent children and youth from using drugs or becoming drug dealers themselves.

They want to support children and teenagers to live out worthy, honest, and responsible lives in their local communities, encouraging them to dream a life worth living and helping them to achieve their goals.

Through daily contact with the children, they intend to reach the families and support them in order to see the community being transformed, creating opportunities so families will be able to experience life in a more worthy and pleasant environment.

They believe the best service offered to the community is the one that is based on the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the power of God to transform individual lives and the whole of society.

ACTION seeks to please Christ, the Builder and Head of the Church, by conducting our ministries closely with local churches for the advancement and building up of the Body of Christ with the view that all believers will grow in maturity becoming more and more like Christ with the hope that some become pastors, evangelists, teachers, and others cross-cultural missionaries (Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 4:4-16)

Additional Trip Information

South America
Other Location Info:
São Paulo is the largest city in Brazil with the greatest slum population in the nation. A little more than 1 million people currently reside in São Paulo slums. In this massive metropolitan area, there are more children living in at-risk situations than anywhere else in Brazil. The slums of Brazil are often full of violence, poverty, drug trafficking, addiction, lack of education, poor living conditions, teenage pregnancy, inadequate health care, unemployment and social breakdown on various levels. Casa Semear is a center that seeks to serve the children and families living in an urban slum community called Jardim Sao Jorge and the surrounding area, located in the south zone of the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The missionaries at Casa Semear evangelize, disciple, and support the spiritual, emotional, social, physical, and educational development of at-risk kids living in slums through weekly groups and clubs. Please pray for the missionaries as they work in just one of the many slum areas located in the South Zone of São Paulo. God offers His abundant life and amazing love to the many children at-risk living in Brazil. It is our prayer that God would use us, as missionaries of ACTION, to share this important message. “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10
Participant Age:
College, Adult, Senior Adults
Eligible to Go:
Families, Individuals, Married Couples
Other Financial Notes:
Depending on the duration of the stay. Cost of travel not included.
Training debriefing
If the participant is going for less than six months, they will receive mentoring and coaching by someone on our Mobilization Team and also work through pre-field reading material and assignments. If the applicant is going longer than six months, they will participate in an in-person orientation and a separate in-person cross-cultural training course before deploying to the field. They will also have to be able to communicate in German, so German classes will be required. All participants will have a debrief interview with the person from our Mobilization Department who mentored and coached them before and during their time of service. They will also be asked to fill out a post-trip evaluation form to help them process their experience and next steps and provide our home office and field missionaries helpful feedback for sending future short-term workers.
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Mission Trip Offered By Action International Ministries

Action International Ministries (ACTION) is a global mission agency committed to sending multi-national missionaries who treasure Jesus Christ and minister His Gospel in word and deed, primarily to the poor.

Our three-prong strategy for urban ministry can be defined under three headings: evangelism, discipleship, and development.

The mission currently has 330 missionaries (and many other team members) in 40 countries. ACTION’s prayer target is for 221 additional missionaries to join them in the vital task of world missions, for the glory of God!

Our goal is to know God and take action! (Daniel 11:32)

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