Serve in missions as an intern in the ACTION USA Office!
Jan - Dec 2024 | Action International Ministries
Serve in missions as an intern in the ACTION USA Office!
Trip #26516
Trip #26516
Serve in missions as an intern in the ACTION USA Office!
Trip #26516
Action International Ministries |
United States, North America |
Lasts 1 month to 1 year |
Jan - Dec 2024
Administration & Leadership, Internship, Missionary Support/Care, Service Projects & Helps, Technical/Professional Skills, |
** See Financial Information Below Includes: Lodging, Meals |
Approximately $1500 to $2000
Agency: | Action International Ministries |
Location: | United States, North America |
Dates: | Jan - Dec 2024 Lasts 1 month to 1 year |
Activities: | Administration & Leadership, Internship, Missionary Support/Care, Service Projects & Helps, Technical/Professional Skills |
Cost: |
Approximately $1500 to $2000 ** See Financial Information Below Includes: Lodging, Meals |
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
Overview: ACTION USA Mission Apprentices (interns) will have a plethora of opportunities to work on valuable projects with several departments within the Seattle-based home office! Apprentices will gain a bird’s eye perspective on how a missionary sending agency works and obtain a better understanding of nonprofit management. Apprentices will learn the vital role of effective communication both internally with ACTION’s 260 missionaries but also externally with thousands of ACTION supporters and missions minded inquirers seeking to serve God with ACTION as short-term or long-term missionaries!
Q & A with ACTION USA Office:
1. What are some ministry tasks that you want the intern to accomplish while serving with you?
This will vary depending on the skills and interests of each individual Mission Apprentice. Projects and tasks will be in the areas of promotion, representation, recruitment and mobilization — telling others about ACTION’s work worldwide and helping people get connected to that work in meaningful ways.
Some Mission Apprentices will help with the IT Department others will help create brochures for ACTION’s dozens of ministries and still others will connect via email or phone with those interested in serving with ACTION.
2. What are some key lessons from your ministry and walk with the Lord that you want to impart to the interns to help them as they consider their own individual call to missions or vocational ministry?
• God can use and calls all types of people with all types of skillsets into global missions involvement.
• Everyone has a role to play in God’s global plan whether on the front lines overseas or right here in North America. Each role is valuable and serves a purpose in carrying out the Great Commission.
• Full-time missions requires you to not only prioritize what you think needs to be done next but also to be walking so closely with the Lord that He is guiding your daily decisions as you decide which tasks to prioritize.
Specific skills an intern may expect to develop by the time the internship is completed:
• If working with media, Mission Apprentices will improve graphic design, photo and video editing skills by producing material that ideally has a global reach and motivates people to either support ACTION missionaries or join them by going as an overseas missionary!
• Greater awareness of the complexity and challenges of administratively supporting 260 missionaries remotely from the United States.
• An understanding of and experience in wearing multiple hats and working between multiple departments within an organization.
• Practical skills in multitasking, prioritizing, being flexible and strengthening one’s cross-cultural communication skills.
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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals
This is not a trip, but an internship opportunity. ACTION is an interdenominational para-church organization that works in partnership with hundreds of national churches to train and send missionaries. We seek to please Christ, the Builder and Head of the Church, by conducting our ministries closely with local churches for the advancement and building up of the Body of Christ with the view that all believers will grow in maturity becoming more and more like Christ with the hope that some become pastors, evangelists, teachers, and others cross-cultural missionaries (Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 4:4-16).
Additional Trip Information
Mission Trip Offered By Action International Ministries
Action International Ministries (ACTION) is a global mission agency committed to sending multi-national missionaries who treasure Jesus Christ and minister His Gospel in word and deed, primarily to the poor.
Our three-prong strategy for urban ministry can be defined under three headings: evangelism, discipleship, and development.
The mission currently has 330 missionaries (and many other team members) in 40 countries. ACTION’s prayer target is for 221 additional missionaries to join them in the vital task of world missions, for the glory of God!
Our goal is to know God and take action! (Daniel 11:32)
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