Teach to Reach
Sep - Dec 2024 | Liebenzell USA
Teach to Reach
Trip #27170
Trip #27170
Teach to Reach
Trip #27170
Liebenzell USA |
Multiple Countries, Multiple Regions |
Lasts 3 months to 2 years |
Sep - Dec 2024
Teaching/Education, Teaching English, Art, Drama, Music & Puppets, Administration & Leadership, Internship, |
Agency: | Liebenzell USA |
Location: | Multiple Countries, Multiple Regions |
Dates: | Sep - Dec 2024 Lasts 3 months to 2 years |
Activities: | Teaching/Education, Teaching English, Art, Drama, Music & Puppets, Administration & Leadership, Internship |
Cost: |
** See Financial Information Below
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
Serve as a primary, secondary, or teacher's aide at Christian schools in Zambia, Mexico, or Spain.
Schools are geared towards missionary kids or Christian schools serving the local communities.
Other available positions include dormitory staff, kitchen staff, youth workers, and principals.
Commit to a minimum of one school semester or more.
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Additional Trip Information
Mission Trip Offered By Liebenzell USA
Founded in 1899, Liebenzell Mission began as a German mission agency, to support the gospel work that Hudson Taylor began in Asia through China Inland Mission. Iniitally focused on outreach to islands in the Asian Pacific, Liebenzell Mission continued to expand it’s reach across the 20th century, with Liebenzell USA being founded in 1941. Today Liebenzell USA supports 38 missionaries across 7 different mission fields around the world.
Our goal remains the same as it was then: to reach the least, the last and the lost by mobilizing missionaries and their supporters to go and make disciples of all nations.
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