SE Asia - join our team in community development
Oct 2024 | World Outreach International
SE Asia - join our team in community development
Trip #27209
Trip #27209
SE Asia - join our team in community development
Trip #27209
World Outreach International |
Indonesia, Southeastern Asia |
Lasts 1 week to 2 weeks |
Oct 2024
Adventure/Extreme Ministry, Church Planting, Community Development, Evangelism- Friendship/Discipleship, Youth Ministry, |
** See Financial Information Below Includes: |
Approximately $400 to $550
Agency: | World Outreach International |
Location: | Indonesia, Southeastern Asia |
Dates: | Oct 2024 Lasts 1 week to 2 weeks |
Activities: | Adventure/Extreme Ministry, Church Planting, Community Development, Evangelism- Friendship/Discipleship, Youth Ministry |
Cost: |
Approximately $400 to $550 ** See Financial Information Below Includes: |
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
On this trip, we will be visiting a place where Team Breakthrough, a World Outreach local development project incorporates discipleship and community development in a rural village area in SE Asia.
This area experiences some of the highest rates of child marriage in the country which only perpetuates the cycle of poverty. You can help our long-term discipleship making and community development project by bringing whatever skills you have and helping us build friendly connections with those in the community.
There will be an opportunity to run or help run children’s and youth programs that aim to prevent child marriage and build stronger connections with the families in the community.
Please bring any skills you have in teaching, playing sports, crafts or music as we would love for you to become a positive influence and role model in helping these children and youth see a more hopeful future.
The trip will involve driving on remote unsealed roads, eating local food and up to 2 nights camping or sleeping in village homes (optional).
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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals
Team Breakthrough has been working in this area for over 3 years focusing on discipleship making. It is encouraging to see how God is at work in this area. Team Breakthrough over this time have started many projects including a savings and loans program, child marriage prevention programs, literacy programs and business/tourism programs.
After the trip there will be opportunities to stay connected with the work and also potentially join an internship program in the area.
Additional Trip Information
Food (including meals in the village)
Basic supplies for childrens activities
Transport while on the Island
Outreach/surfing day trip
Outreach/hiking day trip
Gifts to locals
Guide and translator
This is not included:
Transport to Island
Own spending
Breakfast - you'll be able to buy supplies locally
Mission Trip Offered By World Outreach International
World Outreach exists to impact Least Reached People groups with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Our mission and goals are accomplished through establishing partnerships with the Body of Christ worldwide in order to engage in transformational discipleship among least-reached people groups. A variety of ministry approaches are used to meet specific needs. We are currently ministering among 75 such people groups on five continents and have the goal of impacting at least 20 new ethnic communities every five years. World Outreach International has five major ministry focuses through which the Gospel is being established among Least REACHed People groups:
Raising Leaders,
Evangelism and Church Planting,
All Nations Mobilization,
Childrens Ministry,
Humanitarian Aid.