Empower Families on a Trip to Guatemala (May 28 - June 5, 2025)
May 28 - June 5, 2025 | Hope 4 Kids International
Empower Families on a Trip to Guatemala (May 28 - June 5, 2025)
Trip #27236
Trip #27236
Empower Families on a Trip to Guatemala (May 28 - June 5, 2025)
Trip #27236
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
Guatemala has some of the neediest and most vulnerable children in the world. Scores of Guatemalan children live without the most basic necessities and struggle to survive day-to-day. Many live in shacks built out of miscellaneous materials, lack of access to proper nutrition and education. Many are subjected to various forms of abuse.
On a mission trip to Guatemala, you'll have the opportunity to serve in a number of different areas, including visiting your sponsored child and other vulnerable children, helping at medical outreaches as well as engaging with our ministry partners and their local church family. Through our medical outreaches, you will have the chance to assist with wellness checks for our children and address medical needs of the local community. You will also have the opportunity to educate and deliver hygiene kits to children, as well as deliver and serve food and other necessities. When visiting with our sponsored children, you will have an opportunity to distribute “Dress a Girl'' dresses, school supplies, play sports and games and encourage them at school or in their community. Lastly, you have the unique opportunity to attend church and local church events with our ministry partners, giving a chance to encourage and give hope to the pastors and their church family. Each trip is unique and supports our long term partners and programs.
Use the inquriy form on this page to find out more.
Check out our Instagram for photos from past trips! @hope4kidsint
Visit h4ki.org/teams to apply
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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals
For over 50 years, Hope 4 Kids International has been committed to serving children living in impoverished environments around the world by establishing economic, spiritual, water, orphan, and feeding programs. In addition to these programs, we have been leading teams of volunteers on two-week international mission trips bringing life-saving provisions and the spirit of Jesus. These short-term mission trips support long term partners and programs.
H4KI reaches out to every child and community through their 4 pillars of hope: Dignity, Health, Joy, and Love. By responding to critical needs, we can significantly impact lives and assist people who are struggling to survive in destitute communities in becoming self-sufficient.
Before Hope 4 Kids International begins serving in an area, we identify and establish a relationship with an existing ministry. H4KI makes a five-year commitment, minimum, in the area. Hope 4 Kids began mission trips to Guatemala in 2013.
Additional Trip Information
$250 application fee
$1145 trip fee
(The trip fee includes in-country transport, room and board, 3 meals a day, outreach participation costs, and bottled water)
$50 Optional Excursion
(Excursion is included in trip dates but fee is paid separately to maintain the tax-deductible status of the mission trip)
$100 student discount (age 26 or younger)
Airfare to/from your destination country, any necessary visas, vaccinations, additional excursions, and souvenirs are not included in the above fees. Though airfare is not included we are happy to assist you in booking your ticket.
Mission Trip Offered By Hope 4 Kids International
Hope 4 Kids International reaches out to every child and community we serve by bringing hope through our 4 pillars of hope: Dignity, Health, Joy, and Love. By responding to critical needs, we can significantly impact lives and assist people who are struggling to survive in destitute communities in becoming self-sufficient. Join us on a mission trip to see how you can be a difference maker!
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