Ramu Valley Academy Internships 2024
Jan 2025; Mar - Apr 2025; Sep 2025 | Ethnos360
Ramu Valley Academy Internships 2024
Trip #27249
Trip #27249
Ramu Valley Academy Internships 2024
Trip #27249
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
Join us in teaching and serving the students of Ramu Valley Academy (RVA)! RVA is a hybrid school located in Papua New Guinea (PNG) that exists to serve PNG citizens, specifically those belonging to indigenous churches established by the mission. Our goal is to raise up the next generation of local church members to become Great Commission workers, capable of working interdependently with New Tribes Mission PNG in the areas of church development and translation in the future.
Teaching experience is not necessary for interns, but it is essential to be flexible and capable to take something and run with it. We're looking for self-starters who are willing to do anything from grading papers as a teacher's aide to full-on teaching classes including ESL.
Although there are 860 different language groups in PNG, English is considered the official language of the country, therefore, all the classes at RVA are taught in English.
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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals
Our goal is to raise up the next generation of local church members to become Great Commission workers, capable of working interdependently with New Tribes Mission PNG in the areas of church development and translation in the future.
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Mission Trip Offered By Ethnos360
Motivated by the love of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Ethnos360 exists to assist the ministry of the local church through the mobilizing, equipping and coordinating of believers to evangelize unreached people groups, translate the Scriptures and see indigenous churches established that glorify God.
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