Ethnos360 Home Office Internship
Mar 2025; Aug 2025 | Ethnos360
Ethnos360 Home Office Internship
Trip #27250
Trip #27250
Ethnos360 Home Office Internship
Trip #27250
Ethnos360 |
United States, North America |
Lasts 3 months to 1 year |
Mar 2025; Aug 2025
Internship |
Agency: | Ethnos360 |
Location: | Florida, United States |
Dates: | Mar 2025; Aug 2025 Lasts 3 months to 1 year |
Activities: | Internship |
Cost: |
** See Financial Information Below
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
It takes a whole team working together to get the gospel to the ends of the earth. We would love for you to intern with us at Ethnos360's Home Office and serve in a full-time position. Based on your interests, giftings and skills, we will partner with you to find a role where you can learn and grow. Some of our available rolse include maintenance, kitchen, housekeeping, childcare, IT, contingency, graphic design, social media, administration, communication, mobilization, finance, and more.
A typical workday for us at the Home Office is 8am-5pm with an hour-long lunch break. You will learn from all types of positions in the department that fit you best. We meet once a week during office hours for discipleship and fellowship. During this time we sit under teaching on a variety of topics from other missionaries.
You will finish your time with a greater understanding of what it takes to reach the unreached and with greater confidence of your fit in the great commission.
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Mission Trip Offered By Ethnos360
Motivated by the love of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Ethnos360 exists to assist the ministry of the local church through the mobilizing, equipping and coordinating of believers to evangelize unreached people groups, translate the Scriptures and see indigenous churches established that glorify God.
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