Mar - Apr 2025; Jun - Jul 2025; Sep - Nov 2025 | Ethnos360
Trip #27252
Trip #27252
Trip #27252
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
One cultural aspect of the Yanomamo people is something called Wayumi (pronounced why/you/me). It involves leaving their woods or home, to go to another place for a period of time and for a specific purpose. In their language, it would be similar to us saying we are going on holiday, vacation, a business trip, etc. When you come to Wayumi, not only are you coming to a place, but you're also going on an adventure in cross-cultural missions in Central Pennsylvania. Come explore what the Bible says abour reaching all peoples. Experience learning another language. Connect with your guides – all veteran church planters.
Retreat: 3 days and all ages! Bring a group for a program that provides a bird's-eye view of missions
Quest: 3 days and 7th-19th grade students! Join our missions-focused retreat for youth groups and Christian schools.
Expedition: 6 days and 9th – 12th grade students! Take your youth group on a combined mission trip and summer camp without leaving the USA.
Course: 7 days, and ages 18 or older! Participate in our college-level intesive missions course with hands-on experiences and practical sessions.
All Christians are called to be involved in reaching the nations. If you want to bein learning about missions and unreahed people groups, then Wayumi is the right place for you!
Group sizes need to be a minimum of 25 participants.
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Mission Trip Offered By Ethnos360
Motivated by the love of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Ethnos360 exists to assist the ministry of the local church through the mobilizing, equipping and coordinating of believers to evangelize unreached people groups, translate the Scriptures and see indigenous churches established that glorify God.
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