Home Repair Mission Trip to Hagerstown, MD (Workcamp)
June 29 - July 5, 2025 | Group Mission Trips
Home Repair Mission Trip to Hagerstown, MD (Workcamp)
Trip #27354
Trip #27354
Home Repair Mission Trip to Hagerstown, MD (Workcamp)
Trip #27354
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
Home repair is just part of the story…Your teenagers will share the love of Christ with people by performing much needed home repairs. They’ll serve as they’ve never served before. And, over six days, you’ll see your young people transformed—their Christian faith deepened.
You don't need to be a construction guru to have a satisfying experience. All you and your youth group need is a willingness to serve the elderly, disabled, or disadvantaged. Typically, you’ll work at a home in small teams (5-6 teenagers with one or two adults) helping someone who needs—and appreciates—your help.
From the moment your group arrives on Sunday afternoon, your teenagers will begin making new friends.
You’ll eat together…worship together…and create new favorite stories. You’ll lift the spirits of a community! All while you’re having the time of your lives.
Everyone serves, each person in an important role. There’s a good chance you and your young people will learn new skills, and we’ll help. Plus, we handle the logistics and details (even the cooking and cleaning) so you and your youth group can focus on growing in your faith. You’ll experience projects like…
-Interior and exterior painting
-Building or repairing porches and wheelchair ramps
-Building or repairing steps
-Weatherization and other home repairs
You’ll applaud the daily programs and devotions. Along with up to 400 other people, you’ll experience high-impact, interactive programs with music, Scripture, video, drama, and hands-on activities…led by a trained youth ministry professional.
And, we've got you well-covered with trained staff to handle project materials, project assignments, office, program multimedia, project site coaching…and more.
Plan now to challenge your youth this summer. Bring your group closer to Jesus at a Group Mission Trip Workcamp.
To explore Workcamp locations, visit GroupMissionTrips.com.
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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals
At Group Workcamps, hundreds of teenagers from youth groups across the country repair and transform homes while deepening their faith and building new relationships with their peers and youth leaders. Our short-term mission trips are designed to partner with communities and organizations through service to the elderly, homeless, low-income, physically challenged, and veteran people. For more than thirty years, we’ve sent nearly half a million people who have dedicated millions of volunteer hours serving people in need through our unique mission trip experiences. Our overall mission is to serve others through home repair and community service experiences that transform communities and help participants, residents, and partners grow closer to Jesus.
Additional Trip Information
All meals, except for dinner on Wednesday for a Workcamp.
Site selection and organization.
Supplies and project materials for each work site.
Bible-based thematic, fun, faith building programs.
Devotions to do before, during, and after camp.
Director, MC, and up to 14 other highly-trained staff to handle all the details.
Custodians and cafeteria staff to take care of lodging cleanliness and meals.
An online customer account full of camp information and resources to help prepare you and your group for camp.
Unlimited customer support from professional and courteous staff.
T-shirt and Mission Handbook for each participant.
Adults in excess of the one adult participant for every five students are welcome to attend. We would also encourage additional adults to apply for volunteer roles at camp. Registration fees are waived for volunteers and there are a variety of roles they may be gifted to serve in. Volunteers can find out more information and apply by calling 844.258.9616 or visiting our website at http://groupmissiontrips.com/workcamps/.
Mission Trip Offered By Group Mission Trips
Group Mission Trips is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that provides Jesus-centered short-term, domestic and international mission trips for youth and adults.
Our mission is to serve others through home repair and community service experiences that transform communities and help participants, residents, and partners grow closer to Jesus.
Choose from 3 transformational mission trip experiences:
-Workcamps: Week-long home repair youth missions camps
-Week of Hope: Week-long community service youth missions camps
-International Mission Trips: Safe, meaningful international mission trips for all ages
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