Dive Into Spain Team Trip 2025 - Walking the El Camino
Jul 2025 | WEC International
Dive Into Spain Team Trip 2025 - Walking the El Camino
Trip #27429
Trip #27429
Dive Into Spain Team Trip 2025 - Walking the El Camino
Trip #27429
WEC International |
Spain, Western Europe |
Lasts 1 month to 2 months |
Jul 2025
Evangelism- Friendship/Discipleship, Hospitality & Cooking, Prayer/Intercession, |
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
WEC is forming an international team for people ages 18-35 that will come together and serve in northern Spain on the El Camino pilgrimage trail.
Over 350,000 pilgrims walk the Camino for about 2 weeks each year through Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain. ‘El Camino’ (‘the Way’ in Spanish) is a network of different routes through Europe and Spain, ending up in Santiago de Compostela. It is a Catholic pilgrimage that started in the 9th century. The legend says that after Pentecost, James the Greater, son of Zebedee and John’s brother, reached Spain and evangelised it. Nowadays, the pilgrims who walk ‘the Way’ are diverse in nationalities and motivations (spiritual, exercise, adventure, interest). While walking with the pilgrims for several days and serving them through hostel ministries, there will be opportunities to meet spiritual seekers and share the Gospel. el). English is the common language on the Camino, but it can be helpful to learn some Spanish.
Originally, the Camino is Catholic but many people walking now have all kinds of beliefs. It is very important that people who join this team listen to the pilgrims first and then share their lives rather than immediately share the Gospel. We often walk with the same pilgrims for many days, meeting them in the various villages and hostels and sharing meals with them, so there is plenty of time to share the hope in us. As a matter of fact, quite often they will ask about it first!
The team will be walking as authentic pilgrims and serving in a Christian hostel for a week. The primary roles in the hostel will include cooking, cleaning and being with the pilgrims. Additionally, there may be opportunities to do practical work like gardening or maintenance. During the third part of the outreach, we will focus on intercession as we walk from Santiago to Fisterra (on the coast). About 20% of pilgrims walk this part of El Camino after reaching Santiago.The short-term workers will be sleeping in mixed dormitories, so people who apply must be comfortable with that.
Participants will participate in a pre-field orientation in Philadelphia PA.at the WEC USA headquarters campus. There will also be online team building sessions to get to know your team members from all over the world. There will be an on-field orientation, rest, debrief and tourism days as well.After the trip, you will return to Philadelphia for a 3 day debriefing before returning home. There are only 7 short-term worker places available on this team.Application deadline March 15, 2025.
Fill out the inquriy form on this page for more information or any quesitons you may have.
You can learn more about the Camino at these websites:
- https://www.caminodesantiago.gal/en/discover
- https://www.caminodesantiago.me/community/
- Or watch the film "The Way" starring Martin Sheen https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1441912/
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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals
This trip is organized by the WEC Spain team in northern Spain. They are praying about starting a debrief center in one of the towns for pilgrims. The ministries on this trip are meant to help the long-term workers in their church planting endeavors and to encourage the next generation of cross-cultural workers to consider this as a vocation.
Additional Trip Information
Mission Trip Offered By WEC International
WEC International is an international (members from 70+ nationalities), interdenominational mission agency. WEC is one of the largest church planting mission agencies in the world. WEC endeavors to bring the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the remaining unevangelized peoples with the utmost urgency. WECers plant churches in many countries around the world with locations in Africa, Asia, North Africa, Central Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and South Pacific. To find out more about WEC International in the USA visit www.wec-usa.org
WEC USA has 3 short term programs: Discovery (individuals or teams that go out up to 3 months; WEC Trek (individuals that go from 3 months – 12 months) and WEC Core (individuals that go for 2 years).
Unfortunately we can only take people living in the United States. If you are looking to apply from another country please check www.wectrek.org for one of our other WEC sending bases in or near your country.
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