Dive Into Southeast Asia Team Trip 2025
Mar 2025 | WEC International
Dive Into Southeast Asia Team Trip 2025
Trip #27430
Trip #27430
Dive Into Southeast Asia Team Trip 2025
Trip #27430
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
WEC is forming an international team for people ages 18-35 that will come together to serve in a variety of ministries among unreached people groups.
Explore a country of islands in South East Asia full of a variety of cultures and languages. Experience the cultural diversity. Interact with unreached people groups and pray for them. Experience life during Ramadan. Be challenged as you serve and encounter different ministries. See the life of missionaries on the field.
Be ready to experience new things and meet new people. Explore for yourself who you are and who God is.
This team will have the chance to visit 3 different ministry areas. We are looking for people who are willing to serve and be flexible!
Ministry opportunities include:
- Breakthrough prayer
- Literacy project / ministry
- Children & youth ministry
- Prayer walks
- Visit local churches
- Visit local mission organizations
- Fellowship with missionaries
- And more…
There is only room for 3-6 people on this team. Apply now! Application deadline is November 1, 2024.
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Additional Trip Information
Mission Trip Offered By WEC International
WEC International is an international (members from 70+ nationalities), interdenominational mission agency. WEC is one of the largest church planting mission agencies in the world. WEC endeavors to bring the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the remaining unevangelized peoples with the utmost urgency. WECers plant churches in many countries around the world with locations in Africa, Asia, North Africa, Central Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and South Pacific. To find out more about WEC International in the USA visit www.wec-usa.org
WEC USA has 3 short term programs: Discovery (individuals or teams that go out up to 3 months; WEC Trek (individuals that go from 3 months – 12 months) and WEC Core (individuals that go for 2 years).
Unfortunately we can only take people living in the United States. If you are looking to apply from another country please check www.wectrek.org for one of our other WEC sending bases in or near your country.
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