Teach Vocational Skills
Feb - Nov 2025 | Christ For the City International
Teach Vocational Skills
Trip #8073
Trip #8073
Teach Vocational Skills
Trip #8073
What the Mission Trip Will Be Like
In the slums of San Jose, Costa Rica, many families live in generational poverty, stuck in a cycle of being unable to offer their children good educational opportunities, leading to few job opportunities and hardly any chances to lift themselves up out of their circumstances and into a better life. With so few opportunities available to them, generation after generation remains locked in poverty.
Christ For the City International (CFCI) recognizes the need for both adults and youth to be given chances to learn skills that will improve their chances for meaningful and steady employment. CFCI missionaries target the most impoverished areas of the city in which to offer their vocational training. Training can take the form of woodworking, mechanical training, computer skills, English language classes, sewing, and crafts. This training gives individuals a marketable skill to use in their pursuit of employment.
Come join us in San Jose to teach job skills to Costa Ricans and Nicaraguan refugees living in poverty.
Not only will you have the chance to make a difference in their economic situation and their family’s future, but you will also have the chance to build relationships with them and give the greatest gift you have: God’s love.
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Relation of Opportunity to National Church and/or Long-term Goals
Our missionaries operating this ministry are long-term workers in Costa Rica. On all our bases, the ministries are run by national missionary staff that know the specific needs of the community and country. They will oversee your work & service.
Additional Trip Information
Mission Trip Offered By Christ For the City International
Christ For the City International (CFCI) is an international missions organization committed to serving others in the name of Christ. We have been shaped by the Biblical mandate to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Since 1995, CFCI has been an innovative leader in modern mission circles and has become a respected urban ministry and mission agency.
It is our aim to encourage and strengthen local churches around the world. We do this by engaging and mentoring the Body of Christ to develop ministries and programs to bring hope to the city. We help local churches and ministries present people with the opportunity to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and mobilize them into ministry. We have more than 500 mission workers in 15 countries serving through more than 130 different ministries!
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