MissionGuide.Global, formerly ShortTermMissions.com

Adding Videos

You can add YouTube or Vimeo videos easily to your trip page and your organization page.

Remember brief videos are best if you want to grab & keep potential goers attention. (Usually 5-7 minutes or less is best.)

  1. In the Control Panel in the Trip Manager section on the “Basic Information” tab at the bottom there is a field to enter your URL information:


NOTE: The field boxes only work for YouTube or Vimeo videos.  Make sure you are adding it to the correct box. For embedding from other sources you will need to follow the link below or see your sources settings instructions on how to embed videos. You will need to place the embed link in the text of your trip “Full Description” field area.

2.  Follow the steps below this article for a another way to add, or embed, a YouTube video into either a specific trip listing, or onto your organization profile page.

We suggest posting a generalized overview video for your OPV (Organization Profile View) and a more trip specific video, if available, for your particular trip listing. Testimonials from past participants or indigenous leaders/partners, photo slideshows, positive review of your organization are also a great ideas.

The feedback we have received from many people visiting our website and inquiring about trips have expressed wanting more photos and videos from past trips.

Be sure an check it out on the website to see if it is working correctly.

*For embedding videos click here

Example of page view:

Step 1: Open your YouTube video and click “Share”

Step 2: Choose “Embed” 

Step 3: Copy the code and paste it into either the “Full Description” on your trips or on your Organization Description within your ACP (Agency Control Panel)

Contact us with any issues or questions you may have at [email protected]

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