Showing the love of Jesus through your actions is crucial while serving but so is the message you share. The Bible is clear that, “faith comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God”. Make sure that you take time to consider how you will effectively communicate the Good News of Jesus. You don’t have to know the language to share the gospel, a little advance research can ensure that you have the right tools in hand and partnerships in place for follow-up once you say good-bye.
- Evangecube – This large (or small) puzzle block brings the gospel to life through pictures crossing the barrier of language and providing clear pictures of the Christ’s life, death and resurrection.
- “Are You a Good Person?” Comic Tract – Available in over 40 languages as a free downable file. Good for all ages.
- The Mission Ball – Available in 35+ languages. The gospel message is written on each soccer ball so that you can leave it with the kids and ministries that you partner with on your mission trip.
- Jesus Loves You Ball Soccer, Basketball and pumps designed to share the gospel in sports evangelism. Has 71 languages available.
- – This app has audio versions of the Bible in over 1,800 languages. Prior to your trip download the Bible to your phone for the languages you will be in contact with. This allows you to easily share the Gospel without needing wi-fi or a cell signal. All you have to do is tap the play button and the passage selected will be spoken in that language.
- Jesus Film – The Jesus Film has been translated into over 1,350 languages. In addition to the full-length Jesus Film, the app also has selected short scenes from the movie as well as a number of thought-provoking short films. Film is one of the most powerful forms of media and sharing a film of Jesus’s story in someone’s heart language is an ideal way to introduce them to the Son of God.
- God Tools – Be ready to share the gospel wherever you go with a variety of evangelistic tools. Toggle between your heart language and 80+ others so you can effectively share the gospel with words they will understand.
- Speak & Translate, Google Translate or iTranslate – Get automatic translations from camera, voice, text all of which can come in very handy on your mission trip. From the everyday to the eternal, being able to understand is key to communication.
- MissionHub– a free app that helps people experience God in their lives by taking steps of faith with themselves and others. It allows you to choose from four step types: pray, care, share and relate.
- Life On Mission app. Discover how you can share the gospel with anyone using simple tools, like 3 Circles or Best News, to make the most out of every opportunity. From NAMB.
- The 3 Circles app you can use to share the gospel with anyone.
- The Jesus Film – Use the “Country Lookup Map” to look up the languages it is available in for the country or countries you will be going to. There is both a shorter children’s version as well as a full-length version and a couple other titles that can be very effective to use while on your mission trip. Be sure to download what you need on a laptop, phone or thumb drive before you leave so that you do not have to be connected to the internet to show the videos.
- The Chalmer’s Center offers a free series of videos When Helping Hurts: The Small Group Experience
- How to Evangelize Without a Common Language
- 20+ Simple Ways to Share the Gospel – Lots of great ideas here for you to choose from as you consider the best way to share the Good News of Jesus in a meaningful way where ever your mission trip takes you.
- Active 8 Motivation and Tools for Sharing Your Faith by Reid Saunders
- Hispanic Ministry Resources – This website includes a variety of tracts that you can print and take on your mission trip to any Spanish speaking country.
- Mobile Ministry Forum Free courses in using your mobile phone for evangelism
- International Mission Board Free evangelism, discipleship, cultural engagement and more courses.
- North American Mission Board As you share the gospel with friends, neighbors, coworkers, you may encounter questions about your faith and other religions. Find apologetic answers to the most common questions here.
- Global Missions Podcast A show for Christ-followers who want to participate more effectively in God’s work both at home and to the ends of the earth.
- Bridges for Mission (B4M) What is it like to serve overseas as God’s ambassadors? How does the Kingdom of God look around the globe? Through International Ministries’ Bridges 4 Mission Podcast, we bring the answers to these and other mission-related questions directly to you. Join us as we interview a diverse group of servants working in a variety of capacities around the world.
- The Missions Podcast exists to answer hard questions about theology, missions, and practice to help goers think and thinkers go.
Download Docs
- 60 Second Testimony Template – Break down your personal testimony into 3 main ideas: Life before Christ, Conversion experience and Life after Christ. This activity on takes 15 minutes to think through, then start practicing and be ready to put it to use. If you don’t know the native language of those you will be ministering to be sure to have a translator with you.
- Gospel Memory Verse Cards – These verses from Romans are part of the Active 8 Gospel sharing method and are great for all believers to memorize and be able to draw from in sharing the Good News of Jesus.
- Evangelism For Children children’s guide includes an instructional parent/leader guide on how to use this resource with children.
Know of other tried and true EVANGELISM & DISCIPLESHIP resources that mission trip goers would benefit from? Send your ideas to: [email protected]