Seven Ways to Share the Words of Life

Preparing for a mission trip? The staff brainstormed ideas for sharing scripture and gospel messages with the people you are serving or working alongside. 

What would you add to this list?

1. Bibles and Books

Order Bibles and Christian children’s books in the language of the people you will be serving. Remember that literacy might be an issue. Choose easy-reading versions and children’s resources that even adults would enjoy looking at and reading over and over again.

2. Simple Gospel Presentations

Bring along gospel tracts in the appropriate language. Practice sharing the gospel with “the wordless book” or other gospel colors tools, like bracelets or soccer balls.

3. Strategic Language Learning

Learn these ten words: God, Bible, sin, Jesus, love, blood, forgive, pray, grow, baptize. Add these five phrases: Thank you, God bless you! Jesus loves you! What is your name? My name is… God made you and has a good plan for your life! John 3:16.

4. Visual Communication

Print a gospel verse on your team shirts in the language of the people where you will be serving. Post a new verse each day on your worksite for all to see; make it bilingual. Put God’s Word on any kind of small gift that you give away, so it may continue to speak long after you are gone.

5. Christian Music

Bring Christian music in the native language to play on your work site. Download children’s videos or songs that share basic Bible truths. Learn a couple of Christian songs in the heart language of those you will be serving. Sing them while working, or for your host family.

6. Use an Interpreter

Plan to have a Christian translator with your group and make sharing the gospel a priority.

7. Modern Media

Research apps or downloadable Christian resources in the appropriate language which you can share with others. Make sure you have methods of sharing that are available and accessible (CD, flash drive, microSD, etc), realizing that technology in the US might be different than their available technology. Look for resources that include Bible translations, Bible study resources, devotional materials, or Christian music.


Don’t forget to check your ideas with those who will be hosting you and ask what resources or evangelism strategies they would suggest. May the Lord bless you richly and use you mightily, together, to accomplish what He desires.

See also, How to give away your faith on a mission trip and Evangelism Resources

Rebecca Skinner,  Mission Data International Marketing Director.

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