Telling Your Story

Everyone has some kind of story to tell. As Christians ours needs to be told. Do you need help finding the words for your salvation testimony or recently returned from a mission trip and struggling how to tell others all about it?

This article gives you some guidelines to help you whether this is your first time to share your story or you just need a refresher.

Remember it doesn’t have to be perfect; in itself it is uniquely personal and equally powerful. Pray as you work on it that the Lord will be glorified and lead your words and thoughts. Any time you share how Christ has changed you or worked in your life we can be assured it is an effective tool He can use to encourage others to seek and serve Him.

Sharing your Faith Testimony

Here are some helpful outlines to get you started:

  • My life Before I encountered Christ

A brief summary of who you were without Christ and how you knew you needed Him. Remember not to overly detail or highlight a sinful past where that becomes the focus of your story. Describe what it was like living without Christ.

  • How I came to know Christ as my Savior

This is the focus of your story. Point to redemption and transformation. Point to who Christ is and how he drew you to Him. What were the main factors, people or experiences that helped bring you to the knowledge of Christ and your need of Him. What gospel scriptures can you include? How did your relationship start with Christ. Be specific.

  • How my life has changed since I have received Christ?

What has God accomplished in you since becoming a follower of Christ? What has changed, in your direction, desires, and now strong commitment to follow Him and serve Him? What has He done for you? How are you growing in your faith now?

Its a good practice to write it out and share with a family member or close friend for feedback on clarity, suggested wording and to build your confidence in telling your testimony. Adapt it to a five minute testimony and a bit longer for any occasion God provides you to share.

Sharing your Mission trip experience

As a journalism major in college, my professors repeatedly drilled the six questions to ask when writing an article or interviewing someone. They are a good checklist to follow when communicating your story for a complete picture. (see below) Also, keeping a journal while on a mission trip is a great way to capture your thoughts in a timely manner and reflect back on later when sharing with others.

  • Who

Who did you go on the mission trip with? Was it with a church, organization, team, your family or by yourself? How many were on your team? Tell a bit about those dynamics.

Who did you go to serve? What country, target people group, culture or language did they speak? (This may overlap the where).

  • What

What did you do while on your mission trip? Providing a brief summary or a “day in the life” is a great way to give others a snapshot of the trip. Include details about the type of ministries involved in, living environment, special service projects or primary trip focus. Include something you experienced for the first time.

What type of evangelistic engagements did you have? Share one. Don’t get caught up in details or “success” comparisons to other team members experiences, unless shared with another, but include what God did through you and in you during those encounters regardless of the outcome. God works even in situations we may not “see” obvious fruit.

  • When

When did you go? For how long? When did you get back?

When did you feel the prompting to sign up for this mission? Who were the people instrumental in helping you get to that point and following through?

  • Where

Where did you go? Tell about the place you served. Was anything interesting in the travel to your destination?

Describe the culture and people you saw and interacted with while there. Think 5 senses; sights, sounds, language, ethnic food tastes and smells. What did you learn from going to another culture? How did it stretch you and your personal comfort zone?

  • Why

Why did you decide to go to this place, and at this time in your life/schedule? Share ways God was calling you to go. Why did you feel this was an important/necessary mission?

  • How

How did your team work together and with the nationals/partners there? How did this impact you and your heart for missions, evangelism or service?

What are the next steps to be followed up on to this group of people or ministry? Will you stay in touch? How can others support what is ongoing there, and also what God is dong in your life now? How can you encourage others to be an active lifetime supporter or participant in missions and the great commission near and far?

Include a scripture verse or passage that was meaningful to you as you prepared your heart for the trip, served and shared with others. Make it personal.

Be sure to give God the glory for all that happened in both your heart and on the mission trip.

In preparation, be aware of your audience’s time element at a church or event, and also when sharing parts of your story as you talk to family and friends when you first come back from your trip.

Remember you have a story to tell. It is important and it needs to be heard. Sharing your story not only inspires others in their faith and Christian service, but helps you grow in your faith journey as well.

Helpful resources:

  • Download this helpful pdf Testimony Tip Outline for developing your personal salvation testimony, (Source: Cedarville University)
  • Download this helpful mission experience pdf worksheet (Source: Pioneers)

See also Writers Keepers, Ten Media Guidelines for Social Media. And for before Getting Blessed Before Blasting Off and after your trip, Making Sense of a Mission Trip.

By Dani Cypert, Customer Care Manager,

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