Team Leaders

Praise God for Team Leaders like you!

Planning, preparing and being responsible for a team of people is a BIG undertaking. MissionGuide, together with MissionWorks, our family of ministries, have compiled some of our favorite resources recommended by our trusted ministry partners to help you plan, lead and host mission teams with excellence. From training before you go, to managing trip details and all the communication in between. We even have resources here to help you network with the larger short-term mission community as you seek to continually improve the outcome of trips you host, coordinate or lead. 

Reach out to us if we can be of assistance to you, MissionWorks-What we do. 

Enjoy looking through our list-there’s many!



  • Mission Trip Planning Toolkit: Resources include travel tips, devotions, fundraising advice, cultural awareness training, and more.
  • Short-Term Mission Trip Team Covenant – The success of a mission trip is often based on team unity which necessitates putting others needs above your own. Great resources to discuss with your team and have them all sign.
  • Short-term Mission Trip Quick Audit – Use this self-assessment tool to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your mission trip helping you to see how you can improve on future trips.
  • Social Media Guidelines for short-term trips – adapted from Adapted and expanded from Helping Without Hurting in Short-Term Missions,
    by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert.
  • The Lausanne Standards – Biblical affirmations and agreements for giving and receiving money in mission. Especially helpful when navigating mission partnerships in other countries. See their latest report, State of the Great Commission.
  • Trip Leaders Guide – This 14 page trip leader guide includes sections on your role as a team leader, preparing the team, on the trip and post trip.
  • Team Applicant Reference Form – It’s always wise to learn about your members and what other ministry leaders have observed about their character and gifting.
  • Debriefing Your Team and Sharing Your Story – Sample debriefing agenda that provides time for trip participants to process their trip and prepare a 2 minute story to share with others.
  • Sample Host Survey – (downloadable pdf) Check out this sample host survey that will provide a good starting point to collect the information you need to maintain a good partnership with your host.
  • How to Respond to Someone’s Initial Inquiry About Missions Talking with someone who is interested in missions? This downloadable PDF helps you ask great questions for various life stages; from Catalyst Services.
  • The Status of Global Christianity, downloadable PDF from Gordan Conwell Theological Seminary.


  • Topics for Training From the IMB, topics for easy access to information on specific ideas that have to do with engaging in cross-cultural missions.
  • Preparing your church or self for Short-Term mission trip Considering short-term missions for your church or yourself? Here’s some information as to why and how you should move forward, what you should know if you do, and several pitfalls to avoid.
  • Debriefing Short-Term Trips  From Upstream Collective Blog, by Greg Mathias, Director of the Global Missions Center and Associate Professor of Global Missions at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, who lived overseas.
  • Follow Through With Mission Hosts  This article looks at some categories of communication with your hosts that are important upon your return home.
  • 7 Common Pitfalls When Returning Home This article shares research into the post-trip phase of the short-term mission experience with short-term mission participants and organizers from MissionExcellence.

Know of any exceptional articles to help mission trip leaders wrestle with all that goes into planning, preparing and taking teams? Let us know what you’ve found helpful and our team will consider adding it here. [email protected]



  • Audio Scriptures – solar-powered, durable players can help you share God’s Word with those still waiting to hear. Available in different languages!
  • Z-Source Water Bottle – personal water bottle and revolutionary 0.1 micron water filter that filters out bacteria, protozoa, parasites, and even microplastics from your water.
  • Blessings International -Essential medicines including deworming and antimalarials, vitamins, and medical supplies for your international mission trip. Repackaging option in 22 different languages. 



Fundraising Tools

  • MissionLinked -(A ministry of MissionWorks) Engage with supporters through fundraising tools that tell your story and share ministry in real time in a fun and secure platform.
  • Managed MissionsMission Minder, and Go Method, – Mission trip management software providing multiple functions and automated reminders to trip participants about deadlines. 


  • Customized Training– (A ministry of MissionWorks) MissionExcellence, formerly Standards of Excellences) offers a variety of onsite training programs including team training and team leader training.
  • XP Culture Equipping teams to be learners, guests, and ambassadors.
  • Be Changed for Life Curriculum written primarily for short term mission teams traveling internationally.
  • CultureLink Cross-cultural training for short-term teams and mission team consulting.
  • The Missions Academy In-depth online training programs prepare short-term mission participants for effective cross-cultural service through transformative discipleship.
  • Training for Missions in Hard Places  Tactical Evangelism was founded during the 2020 pandemic through the collaboration of missionaries and Special Operations veterans who are experienced in navigating crisis and solving complex problems. Provide mission, crisis and apologetic training.
  • Concillium, Crisis Management Risk assessment, training
  • Crisis Consulting International Provider of security and crisis management services to the international Christian aid, humanitarian, and sending community.
  • Evangelical Council for Abuse Prevention Helping ministries create safe places for kids. Including giving you a review of your ministry.
  • S.H.A.P.E Test – The nice thing about this profile is that it takes into account 5 areas of life, giving participants a well-rounded view of how they are wired to be on mission with God. This free online assessment takes 30-60 minutes to complete and can be a great tool for team members to get to know each other before their trip.


  • Barnabas International  Professionally trained staff provides counsel to missionaries, national Christian workers and their families abroad and here in the United States.


  • The Hands and Feet of Jesus – A YouVersion app developed by MissionExcellence, this 14-day pre-trip devotion series is written for short-term mission participants to help them prepare to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 
  • RightNow Media app– Mission trip training videos for leaders, teams, and participants including evangelism content.


  • Short-Term Missions Team Training – Short-term mission trips are more than trips to a destination. They are a dynamic part of our discipleship journey. Stream this 7-part course through Right Now Media. This course and leader’s guide will supplement your team meetings with practical preparation and foundational missional teaching that will draw individuals into a deeper relationship with Christ as they serve side by side with others in ministry.
  • Mission Trip Training – Check out this short video as you are introduced to a mission trip training curriculum that includes books and DVD’s for team leaders and participants.
  • All-Terrain Marriage Series 8-week video resource from Modern Day Missions that leads missionary couples through four main topics of conversation that prepare them to thrive in any terrain God may call them to live and serve in.


  • MissionExcellence – An accrediting and resourcing body for those who send, receive, facilitate and support mission teams. Excel your church, organization or school mission trips by implementing better standards in effective Kingdom service.
  • Best Practices for Christian Short-Term Healthcare Missions– An international working group of Christian scholars, leaders and practitioners from diverse backgrounds seeking to promote best practices guidelines for the planning, execution, integration and follow-through of cross-cultural health missions.
  • –This user- friendly mission trip search engine has current trip details from 100+ organizations to help you find the right trip for your group.
  • A Life Overseas long term missions conversations
  •  MissionConnexion Providing regional conferences and focus events providing training to accomplish your mission. Opportunities to network and exhibit also.
  • MissioNexus – Learn, meet and engage with others in the Great Commission.


  • Poverty Encounter– an immersive exhibit that offers virtual tours of Guatemala, Haiti, Nepal, and Romania to educate guests of all ages on global poverty. Poverty Encounter is an initiative of Children’s Hunger Fund (Los Angeles, Dallas, San Antonio).
  • Real Life Exhibit– Medical Teams International hosts a permanent museum in Portland, OR. Virtual exhibits offer five distinct stories to explore refugee camps in Uganda, Bangladesh and Lebanon.
  • The Compassion Journey– traveling exhibit and digital immersive experiences available for attending or hosting.
  • Pathways out of Poverty– Hope International asks you to consider the question: “Who is my neighbor?” As you journey through this multi-sensory exhibit, compelling audio and visuals work together to transport you from Lancaster, PA, into the stories of eight neighbors from around the world.

Know of other tried and true TEAM LEADER resources that mission trip coordinators & leaders would benefit from? Send your suggestions/go-to resources to: [email protected] for our consideration.

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